Apostle Biodun Sanyaolu Preaches Love, Unity at Christmas

As we celebrate the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ, I want to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to each and every one for your love, support, and prayers throughout the year. May this festive season bring you joy, peace, and happiness as we commemorate the greatest gift of all - the gift of salvation through Jesus Christ.

As we reflect on the outgoing year, let us remember the blessings, the challenges, and the lessons learned. May we use this time to recharge, refocus, and renew our commitment to serving one another, the body of Christ and our communities. I pray that the spirit of Christmas will ignite in us a deeper sense of love, kindness, and generosity towards all.

May the joy, peace, and love of the Christmas season be with you and your loved ones now and throughout the coming year. 

Merry Christmas!


Apostle 'Biodun Sanyaolu (ABS)

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