May Allah Heal Our home land Nigeria After Ramadan - Mrs Olufunmilayo Irede Ogini

_As Muslims around the globe commence the thirty(30) days fasting and prayers from today, I wish all Muslims in Ogun State, Nigeria and the world at large a Ramadan Mubarak._ _Ramadan is one of the five pillars of Islam - takes place from Sunrise to Sunset in the ninth month of Islamic calendar which is observed by Muslims around the world as a month of Fasting, Prayer, Reflection, to be with family and friends._ _During these period, it is my fervent prayer that, the Almighty Allah accept our Prayers, Sacrifices and Generosity to aid us overcome Covid-19 after Ramadan._ _May this year's Ramadan bring us good health, prosperity, peace and heal our land from the Coronavirus pandemic._ _Once again Ramadan Mubarak to all Muslims._ _Thank You_ Olufunmilayo Irede Ogini

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