The Trade Leaders Council of Nigeria has appointed the former House of Representatives member from Ogun state, Hon Jelili Kayode Amusan as the Association Patron.

In a statement issued by the Association and signed by the President Prince Femi Egbodofo and the Secretary General Mr. Fijabi Saheed Abiola after the meeting held by the Council Central Working Committee revealed that the choice of Hon Amusan was due to his contributions to national development and active involvement in improving the standard of living of the members of the Association.

The statement reads "we are pleased and delighted to inform you that, at the end of the Council Central working committee meeting helo on Friday, 19th July, 2024, we have resolved to have you, HON. ABD-JELEEL KAYODE AMUSAN, as our Patron, this is in cognizance of your unrivalled contribution to the socio-economic development in the country and Ogun state in particular.

According to the release, the group is the corporate almagamation of registered Trade Associations, comprising farmers, professionals, artisans, skilled and unskilled trade men and women with over 500,000 members.

The group stressed that the cap fits Hon. Kayode Amusan because of his unblemished track of records as a polician and  Business magnate, coupled with your magnanimity and being a source of inspiration to less priviledged members of the society.

In Conclusion, the President is optimistic that if other politicians can emulate Hon. Kayode Amusan our society will be a better place to live in.

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