The role of local government executive Chairman in our grassroots, particularly at the local government level, is pivotal. It requires a blend of administrative acumen, strategic vision, and an unwavering commitment to the local government ideals. Otunba Olawale Olorunsola Soyode FCA FNIM , with his rich political heritage and extensive experience, is poised to break new grounds in Ifo local government through his exceptional administrative coordination and efforts to reinvigorate the local government. thereby enhancing his chances for election victories.

His extensive involvement across various Wards in Ifo LG has provided him with a unique perspective and a wealth of experience in political strategy and administration.

Throughout his career, Otunba Soyode has served Sunren Ward 09 under Ifo local government in numerous capacities by donating  drugs and Medical personel to the following Villages/Communities in Sunren Ward 09, Ifo local government.

✔️ Oba-Oke

✔️  Oba-Gidimo

✔️ Orogbe

✔️ Loki

✔️ Otunba

✔️ Ishola

✔️ Olorunsogo

✔️ Oba-Oseni

✔️ Iyeti

He always demonstrating his administrative prowess and dedication to the party's success. He has always prepared to help and stand by the good people of Ifo local government. His contributions at the State level have been significant.

Otunba Olawale Olorunsola Soyode ’s leadership within the APC is not just a continuation of a family legacy but a testament to his own commitment to the party’s ideals and goals. His administrative coordination is characterised by a strategic vision that aims to revitalise the party’s operations, making it more dynamic and responsive to the needs of her members and supporters. 

His role within the APC at the Sunren Ward 09 involves several critical functions: ensuring the smooth running of the party's activities in Ososun/Sunren Zone, maintaining effective communication channels within the party structure, developing and implementing strategies to strengthen the party's presence and performance in elections, facilitating active participation of members in party activities, and ensuring that all party activities comply with legal and regulatory requirements.

Otunba Soyode 's approach to leadership can be encapsulated by the wisdom of various philosophical thinkers. Plato once remarked, "The measure of a man is what he does with power." Soyede's career exemplifies this principle, as he has consistently used his personal wealth to advance the party's interests and advocate for positive change. Additionally, John Locke’s belief that "The actions of men are the best interpreters of their thoughts" resonates with Soyode’s dedication to his roles. His actions have always aligned with his commitment to the party’s success and democratic ideals. His academic achievements further bolster his qualifications, providing him with the analytical and managerial skills necessary for effective leadership. An experienced politician and administrator, Soyede is well-equipped to join hands in rebuilding and repositioning the APC.

As the grassroots politician of the APC, Otunba Olawale Olorunsola Soyode FCA, FNIM is set to leverage his extensive experience and educational background to bring about a new era of administrative efficiency and strategic innovation to Ifo local government. His leadership promises to rejuvenate the party, enhance its organisational capabilities, and ultimately secure electoral victories. Soyode’s dedication to fostering unity and inclusiveness within the party is evident in his approach to member engagement, which emphasises active participation and a sense of shared purpose. By maintaining accurate records and ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory requirements, he upholds the integrity of the party’s operations.

In the words of Mahatma Gandhi, "The future depends on what we do in the present." With Otunba Soyode at the helm, the future of Ifo local government looks promising, as he embodies the qualities of a leader dedicated to progress and excellence. His strategic vision and administrative expertise are set to transform the local government, creating opportunities for electoral success and establishing a strong foundation for future growth. Otunba soyode 's leadership is not just about managing the present but about envisioning and building a prosperous future for Ifo local government. His commitment to excellence and his ability to inspire and mobilize party members make him the ideal candidate to lead Ifo local government towards new heights.

Otunba Olawale Olorunsola Soyode FCA, FNIM  is more than a capable administrator; he is a visionary leader whose strategic insights and dedication to the APC’s core values are set to usher in a new era of success for the party. His extensive experience, both in political and administrative capacities, combined with his educational background, equip him with the tools necessary to navigate the complexities of modern political landscapes. As the Son of Sunren Ward, Otunba Soyode will undoubtedly do local government proud, steering Ifo local government towards greater heights and ensuring that it remains a formidable force in Ogun State.




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