The continuous show of arrogance and power drank mentality that we have witnessed in a particular transport union leader, is off the hook, words could not express how shocked I was to read a response of one of the boys of Yaro, where the young claimed that his boss, Yaro owns the state, in his word *"Alhaji Yaro and his hardworking union members own the state"*. In my state of dismay and disbelieve, I asked myself have this people gotten to this level of arrogance to claim that the state belongs to them. On a  second thought, I realized that they might be day dreaming or it might have been typed from beer parlour joint because His Excellence, Prince Dapo Abiodun CON MFR had never made such claim neither has any of his predecessors.

That aside, I will really want Alh. Ismailia Mustapha Adewale Yaro and his cohorts  to let us know the proceed for electing officers and removing elected officers of the Union. You made elected officers in charge of various branches across the state pay huge sum of money, ranging from half a million naira and above for the issuance of  Certificate of Return which ordinarily should have been issued free. As if that wasn't enough, you went behind and removed those officer overnight, especially those from Ogun east axis, without any offense or notice. You didn't just stop there, you coerced them to sign an undertaken, this is arrogance taken too far and man inhuman to humanity. You treated your fellow Comrades in such a manner and melted out this degree of injustice to them, and you expect them to jubilate and clap for you for a job well done. It is only the gullible that thinks he has arrived forgetting power they say is transient, and it is only but a matter of time. 

At this junction, we eager you to lay bare the offense(s) of those comrades and transport union leaders you removed in various branches and replaced with your hatch men in reward for their hatchy jobs. Let the public know the reasons those elected officials were remove without recourse.

We have said it countless times that you are on a mission to truncate the peace we currently enjoy in the transport unions and the state in general, but be rest assured that your mission is dead on arrival. We will not allow you set our dear State on flames through your uncoordinated altitude and probably move elsewhere to enjoy your lot.As for us, we don't have another home/state to run to, so we will protect this one through every legal means within our arsenal.

In the interest of peace and tranquility, we advise you to retrace your steps and make amends appropriately, and let Justice reign.

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