According to reports, Beevi who led the prayer at Wandoor Cherukod village in Malappuram is said to be the first Muslim woman to lead theFriday prayer for both men and women in India.
Beevi's act of leading prayer for a mixed congregation has stirred controversy as her action is considered forbidden among orthodox Muslims except the congregation is all female.
However, the 34-year-old woman said the Qur’an contains no injunction that says only men can lead prayers.

She said: “I believe in the Qur’an and the Qur’an teaches equality between the sexes. All this discrimination against women is man-made, imposed by the male clergy and I want to change it.

“The Qur’an says all human beings are equal and anyone can lead prayers. The Qur’an is the basis of Islam, not the hadith, which were created by men after the prophet’s death. For 1,400 years, men have decided things, only men have made decisions. It is time for all that to change now,”
Beevi who reportedly belongs to a small sect called the Qur’an Sunnat Society said she is not scared of the death threats she has been receiving on social media.
“These are extremists who cannot tolerate any reform. I have had threats on WhatsApp, on YouTube, on Facebook, but I am not scared,”.
The mother of two, said she will ask for police protection to allow her continue leading prayers for her congregation if need be